Come on a magical journey around the world in this enchanting picture book adaptation of Ben Miller's bestselling Christmas classic read by the author star of Paddington Johnny English and Death in Paradise.It was quarter to midnight on Christmas Eve. The lights were out all over the land and children everywhere were asleep in their beds dreaming of the big day to come. Well almost everywhere . . . Jackson is determined to stay awake until Father Christmas arrives but on the stroke of midnight when a tiny figure whooshes down the chimney he is in for the most magical surprise! Join Jackson on the night he met Father Christmas and travelled the world in an adventure he will never forget. This enchanting adaptation of Ben Miller's beloved story is exquisitely illustrated by highly acclaimed artist Elisa Paganelli making it the perfect way to share this exhilarating Christmas classic with younger readers.
A Stroke of the PeneAudiobook Borrow Terry Pratchett / David Tennant Claire Foy Paterson Joseph Steffan Rhodri Derek Jacobi Indira Varma Jon Culshaw Mathew Baynton Katherine Parkinson